What We Do


CAPRI USA is a nongovernmental, nonpartisan, international organization founded in 2024 to enhance global resilience and promote innovative policy by drawing on the experience of the Asia-Pacific region through interdisciplinary public policy research.


CAPRI USA’s values of independence, integrity, and inclusivity guide its work on meeting challenges to resilience at the intersection of health, innovation, environmental sustainability, and the economy in the Asia Pacific.

Our People

We work internationally to unite academic experts, government officials, and private sector partners to research and discuss current global challenges to governance and their most promising solutions

Our Partners

As the US affiliate of the Center for Asia-Pacific Resilience and Innovation (CAPRI), CAPRI USA works closely with partners in a global network of stakeholders working toward a more resilient world.

Our Impact

We provide non-partisan research and policy recommendations to address a number of pressing topics within the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.